ASMDA 2013
25 - 28 June 2013 Mataró (Barcelona) Spain

Registration and Abstract/Paper Submission Details*


*Even if you don't submit an Abstract or a Paper you can still register on line using the electronic submission form below


The Abstract of your talk should not exceed one page by following the same format as that given for the Paper. The Abstract should be in MS Word format and may be submitted electronically (see the Submission Form below) or sent as an email attachment to the conference secretary at
We strongly recommend to avoid very short abstracts.

To propose a special session please send the title and description at:


You may download  the Paper Template and write your paper according to the instructions therein.
Since all accepted conference papers will be included into the Conference Proceedings, please follow very strictly the Template. Otherwise you will be required to modify your paper which may delay its publication or leave the paper outside the Conference Proceedings.

Please submit your paper as an email attachment to
